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Peru Reportage



Reisverslag Perú - Travelreport Perú


The university of Piura


The university of Piúra was founded in 1967 outside Piúra, in the middle of the desert. It houses now 5 faculties, among which economic and business sciences. It is a catholic university with a philosophy to educate its students in an integral manner, that is not only professionally, but with a broad sense a moral and ethical values as well. This is part of the mission of the university to use the academic knowledge for the benefit of the people and their conditions in the Piura region and Perú. The university has a very good reputation in Peru. The campus is a lovely place to work as you can see from the pictures.




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Green, green, green campus                                with pavo reales (peacock)

                                                                        lizards, deer etc walking around


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Main street. Yeah,                                          Main building, i was on 2nd floor 

the university is like a village;                        in the room with the fan 

everybody knows each other.                         and the watersupply. 
                                                                     Lucky me. 
The university has about 4,000                     In there, the stinging sun 

students, 200´profesores´and 5                    doesn´t catch me 




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Guido in front                                                     With Gustavo 
of the main entrance.                                        Rodriguez (Auditing

                                                                        professor) in front of
                                                                        Campus Lima (San Isidro)



Academic Inauguration ceremony 

26th April 2003

The inauguration of the new academic year (which starts in March and lasts till end of December) is always a quite formal and festive happening with the over a 1,000 people, national hymn, officials of university and politics, and all professors and teachers of the university. Especially it is organized as a graduation ceremony of the hundreds of students that graduated the academic year before. Also a famous scientist delivers a speech about a special topic. For me, it was off course the first time and I was happy to be there in the open air, in the heart of the academic community. All professoral staff wear a kind of cloth of which the color shows which faculty they are from. For us economists, it was orange. Yes, the Dutch color, I chose the right place. It could be useful wearing it for the dutch ´Koninginnedag´as well...  



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From r. to l. :                                              From r. to l.  :                                                                                    
César, Iván, Gustavo,                                 Milagros, Fernando

Álvaro, Guillermo, and me                          Claudia


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From r. to l.: Rector

Abruña Puyol, me and

Edward Mulder,

another Dutchman  


Activities & friends



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Gustavo and Julio, collegues ( who                     Alfredo, Gustavo and

helped me so much to survive the                        Jose Luis, my fellow 

first week after arriving ) sitting in a                occupants in the 

restaurant in Catacaos                                       boarding house 

                                                                         the first 2 weeks


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Pepe, my best friend in Piura;                         Me and my bike in   a brilliant schoolteacher                                                 front of my house                                    


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Where I lived: a clean                                 The host family: Fidel Piccini           

and shiny family house,                              and Ana Huaman. Lovely           

very nice family taking                               and warm hearted people                         

care of me, 1 block away 

from the university Again: Lucky me.



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Our weekly football (fulbito,                                With Pepe and 

5 on 5 on hardcourt) team,                                    Father Casimir in 

with our                                                                the schoolyard 

supergoalgetter Hugo,                                          in the Salesian 
robust midfielder Alvaro,                                      College C/Libertad

and our pinchhitter Julio


Las Olimpiadas 

5-21 november 2003 - Universidad de Piura


Every year real olympics are held where the 5 faculties compete in

about 10 disciplines, each in its colour (mine was orange of 

Economics...how appropiate). I acted as a coach for the cyclists,

and took part in athletics and bike racing. I won 5 gold medals, wow....

The best week of my life. 

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The 12 km trial                                           The misses that kisses



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4X100 m relay... I hit                                       The award ceremony

the road                                                           with the winning economics
