
mei 9, 2010 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

Though May was never so cold, we still had a great entrance of the sunny giro d’italia in Amsterdam. Nice people, the italians, they know to organize so well a cycling tour. If only that would also count for their economy and budget deficit…. Anyway, it was good for their economy: Their sale of pink bandana’s and ´ufficiale´ and ´originale´ pink jerseys and caps have increased the italian exports with double digits. ´Astonishing, amazing, only 10 euros!` the tape shouted all day long. The riders did not mind, they went too fast and did not stop to buy one. Oh, Cadel Evans and I can be called friends now, since I greeted him twice, and once he even waved at me! And he even took the pink today. Also I met with Jan Janssen, one of the few dutch tourwinners. See the pictures… we saw yesterday´s winner Wiggins got out of sorts a bit since our dutch beautyqueen Yolanthe was standing next to him… but I understand that. That made him go for it after all! He was so happy that he drank the whole bottle of prosecco. Anyway, a great day for Holland and Amsterdam. Tomorrow last stage, just past its tulipfields. And then: ciao Giro and fly to Italy…ashclouds permitting.