Clockwork orange

juni 30, 2010 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

It is so hot the birds are falling off the roof. Imagine that. First we had this cold winter, now the hot summer…well still some months to go, so we will see. The new ice cream joint around the corner is doing great. I am tempted to stop by, but so far I resisted. In Bolivia the temperatures were more pleasant, but hey, why complaining. Just had a course on microfinance in Soesterberg, was nice. Monday we even stopped at 4 to watch the game of our national football team. They qualified and now they play against Brazil… wow what a great show that will be. Shall I pray to God that we win? The brazilians do, so some counterbalance would be good… no? No. Let’s not make illusions, God does not work that way. Let it just be a fair game and that the best may win… but ok, I will cross my fingers then. Oh, now I am superstitious? well, leave it. Let’s just hope that the audience will win. With the most brilliant football that Holland ever played. That will be needed very much to defeat those yellow birds. At 4 friday the offices here will be quiet… Oh here is a foto I took yesterday from the train near Naardermeer. Nice isn’t it? Has a touch of orange…