Butterfly effect

augustus 20, 2010 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

What a hassle today…my train had a breakdown, and we were advised to find other means of transport. I got out, took for the subway…and saw the train run away like nothing was the matter. Wrong choice. Then it turned out my chip card was not checked in right, so when trying to go back, they debited my card with 10 euros…three times as much as normal. What happened I do not know. I could not check in again, had to buy a ticket with two people in the line, I lost so much time, I missed my train. That meant I was too late for my appointment with my therapist (fysio,not mental…though now I could use a shrink, as I got mad about this). And perhaps that means I have to pay for that missed appointment myself. So is that the butterfly effect…one breakdown in the morning working on in a series of causes and consequences. Ok, no drama. It just made me wonder. For the rest, it is beautiful weather and the weekend is to begin! 🙂