
oktober 6, 2010 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

Wow, some time. I must have been busy. What happened last month? Well, one thing is I bought a car, a so called Boerenmestwagen abbreviated as BMW. A total lifechanging event. Well, ok not that much. It is just nice and handy. And I made two discoveries. That when you feel a little ill, slightly cold, going to the office can be a good distraction, so good that you forget you are ill. So that really made me feel better. I was afraid that my longest period so far without a cold or cough was coming to an end. But now I feel better, so this one does not count. So I keep going strong. Another discovery was that in the area I live, many painters and sculptors live as well! I went sunday even to one’s workshop, and he showed me his work. Well, a bit beyond my budget and not really my taste, but nice anyway to see a real artist at work. Also there is a gallery in my street, never known that after all these years. Anyway, my birthday nearing every day I turn nervous… what a week…