great expectations

november 28, 2010 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

December is coming: Christmas, light, warmth, family, peace. For many others these days: food, presents, consumption, shopping, stress. Well, sure I get together with friends and family and have a good meal and presents. Some attraction there yeah, but let’s not forget what it is all about. Why going on with the real life rollercoaster and stress that goes on all year round. Why not winding down a bit, just get together and find some silence to go back to yourself (or God). Something great is coming. Anyway, also we have some cold temperatures now that already create the first iceskating track this winter in Zuidlaren. We expect the next few days some real snow ! Real wintertime. Again, people will start to doubt the greenhouse effect … on the other hand in Cancun they will be talking days and days to take measures to curb global warming. Sure, it’s warm there! But we in Holland are waiting for something else: will Netherlands and Belgium win the bid for the worldcup 2018? Oh, no we did not give enough Santa claus presents to the officials. No chance there.