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maart 15, 2011 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

Happy about today. Though my hosting regional manager had fallen ill, I made good progress with the rest of the crew, including now the Haitian colleagues. Could even cover more issues than expected, including fraud policy, contract closure and emergency, especially the management of the Haiti earthquake projects. What a irony that just now that the Haitians come here to join us, the terrible quake and tsunami in Japan are happening. They have gone through the same (one colleague barely survived and is still injured, the rest lost several friends) and see it now all broadcast on CNN in Japan, though very different of nature (the images of this wave, wow, that will be in our minds forever). Friday morning even here there was a warning of tsunami, but we are one hour off the coast so no danger in Managua. And the waves that eventually came were only ,5 meter high. But still tragic for our japanese friends. Yesterday I went with Jacques, fellow haitian finance officer to Leon, 1, 5 hour away. Great place to be, great to see and talk to him all the trip, he has barely changed and thank God his wife and children were not hurt by the quake one year ago. He and his wife are expecting their 2nd baby, so life goes on, also in Haiti. Well, tomorrow is my last day here. It was a great and useful trip. Have to come back to this beautiful region.