
mei 4, 2011 0 Door Guido Hulshoff

Back in tierra boliviana, one year after the first acquaintance I made with this fascinating metropolis. Ok, hard work does not allow to see much, but at night to plaza Avoroa, the casco viejo (the old town), the mountains around make you smile. Zona Sur where i am now and where our office is located, is a busy, residential area with european style shops, houses and restaurants, and though still a bit cold, very pleasant to stroll around. But the summits around make you yearn for the vast plains and rugged peaks behind. So maybe saturday before flying back, a trip to mount Condururi at 5600 m, or down the road to Coroico, the tropical zone only 3 hours from here, would be very tempting. But in order to do so, my audit report first must be finished…so some hard work left…