A sort of homecoming
Now glad Christmas is here, the favorite time of the year…I heard in a song today. Well, maybe not for all, as stress
in buying presents and preparing copious diners takes over it seems sometimes.Which is quite missing the essence
of this moment of the year. Namely a point in time to take a step back, take a break from the daily rut
and linger around past year and in particular what the message of Christmas means to me, to us.
The feast of light of Christ advent in dark days. This change from dark to light, from boundaries to freedom,
the joy of the newborn Christ in this basic cradle, is appealing to many,even non christians.
I wish the peace and joy of Christmas to everyone. That even in the most violent and distressed areas
in the world the weapons will be silent and dire straits relieved. The world needs an eternal Christmas
spirit of peace, love and light, I would say (in every cliche there is an element of truth)
"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind.
To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy,
is to have to real spirit of Christmas"
(Calvin Coolidge)
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear"
(J. Lennon)